Hi, 46 6C 61 6D 65 79


that is your name in ASCII encoding

F l a m e y
46 6C 61 6D 65 79

😲 Hi, 53 74 61 72 6C 61 78


What is that? Look like a happy face 🤔

Yes, that is plain ASCII emoji before graphic emoji was invented

I saw them in a history book

There are other way to smile, like :) , but you have to look sideway for this one

Wow, it was hard to do things in the old days with only 128 characters

Actually, people were very creative with limited resources, let me show you some ASCII arts


Wow, they must be super creative...so super BORED

|\__/,| (`\
|_ _ |.--.) )
( T ) /

They even used it to build games

anyway, it is impressive to be able to create amazing things with combinations of simple stuff

Wait...do I sound like Prof Evergreen?

A bit